Andreas Ekeroot
Me on the internet
Cooperations with my friend
Lars Wikman:
Cooperations with my friend
Nina Morgan Olsson:
Koselig måne
— our entry in Global Game Jam 2024. I did the programming
Godot which I hadn't used
Wizards Bubble Down Like Frobscottle
— our entry in the Global Game Jam 2025. Morgan did the
graphics. Mojken, Altair and Lejon did programming together with
me. David Johansson did the sound and music. We did the
programming in
Godot, which was the second
time I used this excellent game engine.
I've been on the Kodsnack podcast
twice. The first time I spoke about rewriting whole systems and also
spoke about time and slapstick. The second time I mainly spoke about
sitting by the sea and Haskell. The podcast is in swedish, so you
might need to learn swedish first if you don't understand it already.
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